Move It is looking to open an MC taxi business

Motorbike rental app Move is calling on the government to open up the motorbike taxi (MC) sector to free and open competition so commuters can select the best services and rates.

“Limiting MC taxi activity to three benefits only benefits us – Angkas, Joyride and Move It – and not the public. What if the current efforts of an invisible hand to keep Move It as (last) kulelat player, then basically you only have two dominant companies,” Francis Juan, president of Move It, said in a statement.

Juan argued that competition is constitutionally guaranteed. “And there’s a strong reason for that: it protects consumers from monopolies and duopolies, and cartels that can abuse the public with poor service and high prices knowing that the public has no other choice” , did he declare.

He also cited the telecommunications industry and the commercial air transport sector. With competition, services have improved and prices have come down.

“It will be the same in all businesses, including the MC Taxi business. Competition makes businesses stronger and better. Let the strong survive, but only through honest competition, not using underhanded tactics “, said Juan.

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Juan said Move It currently has around 1,000 drivers, compared to around 30,000 according to the industry leader.

Although the smallest, Move It charges its drivers the lowest commission to allow them to earn more and offers the best rates to commuters.

Juan said he would continue this practice and fight current efforts to prevent Move It from getting help from investors.

“The market leader has its own foreign investor with a seat on the board and yet the so-called civic groups that are trying to stop us from getting financial aid and getting bigger and better are silent about it. They only focus on us and impose a lie that our investor will become a fourth player,” he said.

This debut, Juan said other MC taxi operators’ fares had come down to compete with Move It after securing the investment from Grab.