Average price of motorcycles climbs 38% to NT $ 55,000

  • By Aileen Chuang / Journalist

The average price of a motorcycle sold in Taiwan reached NT $ 55,000 per unit last year, up 38% from eight years earlier, the Ministry of Economic Affairs said yesterday.

Last year’s figure compares with an average price of less than NT $ 40,000 per unit before 2008 and NT $ 53,100 in 2014, the ministry said in a report.

Prices have increased in recent years as manufacturers added more sophisticated features to their products, such as electronic fuel injection devices, thanks to increased environmental awareness, according to the report.

With greater public attention paid to air pollution and carbon reduction issues, the government set a new standard for motorcycle emissions in 2009, forcing manufacturers to upgrade fuel injection systems to the electronic ignition.

The new regulations have increased the need for more advanced equipment and made motorcycles more expensive, according to the report.

He said the addition of large motorcycles, models of 251 cubic centimeters or more, and electric scooters to the market also helped push prices up.

Meanwhile, domestic sales of motorcycles fell from 869,000 units in 2008 to 694,000 units last year due to the completion of MRT lines and the growing popularity of YouBike services since 2009, the ministry said.

Motorcycle exports fell from 558,000 units in 2007 to 200,000 units last year due to market developments, the ministry said.

The report says the Taiwanese motorcycle market has turned to domestic sales, with the ratio of domestic sales to overseas sales increasing significantly from 57.5% in 2007 to 77.3% last year. .


In addition, imported motorcycles have shown double-digit percentage growth over the years, with large motorcycles becoming increasingly popular in Taiwan, especially after regulatory approval four years ago to allow them to use. major roads, according to the report.


Motorcycles, one of the country’s most popular forms of transportation, are expected to see increased production and prices thanks to the promotion of “green†energy and government incentive programs for consumers , the ministry said.

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motorcycle market